Viewer RAW-Import

If the detection of the file format is not possible the following dialog for the import of raw data is shown:

In the dialog you can make the following settings:


The offset in bytes from the beginning of the file to the beginning of the raw data.


The data type of the raw data. You can choose between the following data types:

SInt88-bit integer with sign
range from -128 to 127
also known as int8_t, signed char

UInt88-bit integer without sign
range from 0 to 255
also known as uint8_t, unsigned char, BYTE

SInt1616-bit integer with sign
range from −32768 to 32767
also known as int16_t, signed short

UInt1616-bit integer without sign
range from 0 to 65535
also known as uint16_t, unsigned short, WORD

Float3232-bit floating point number (IEEE 754)
also known as fp32, float_t, single float

Float6464-bit floating point number (IEEE 754))
also known as fp64, double_t, double float


The number of pixels or voxels in the first dimension, i.e. image width.


The number of pixels or voxels in the second dimension, i.e. image height.

Z if 3D

The number of voxels in the third dimension, if there is a third dimension.

With a click on "Apply" the file is loaded with the settings. In addition, the settings are saved with the file name extension and the file size. Entering the parameters when opening another file with the same format is then no longer required.

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